Check out our interview for Studyrama about Urone and IÉSEG

Studyrama, a well-known french site specialized in student training, guidance, employment, housing and student life, interviewed our founder for the support she received from her university, IÉSEG, when starting Urone. She not only spoke about the origins of our company, but about services built for IÉSEG, such as the "Entrepreneur Status", initiative that promotes the entrepreneurial commitment of students, while offering them tailor-made solutions according to their specific needs. To read the whole interview, click on the link down below.

“IESEG aims to promote the entrepreneurial commitment of students” - Elina (IESEG)

Elina Cohen-Peirano, just graduated from the Master's degree in "Digital Marketing & Innovation" at IÉSEG, is a passionate entrepreneur. Her “Urone” project was born during an exchange in Ecuador in 2019, where she offered her skills to local engineers.

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Urone sponsored a prize for IÉSEG’s Entrepreneurship Day 2024​

Urone sponsored a prize for IÉSEG’s Entrepreneurship Day 2024​

We co-organized with the “How I Met Your Start-Up” association a conference to address the theme of female entrepreneurship and the specific challenges faced by women entrepreneurs, inviting Camille BRÉGEAUT and Clémentine GRANET.

Check out our interview for Studyrama about Urone and IÉSEG​

Check out our interview for Studyrama about Urone and IÉSEG​

Studyrama, a well-known french site specialized in student training, guidance, employment, housing and student life, interviewed our founder for the support she received from her university, IÉSEG, when starting Urone.

We were part of the “Assises Féminisation Métiers Numérique 2024″​

We were part of the “Assises Féminisation Métiers Numérique 2024″​

Our founder, Elina Cohen-Peirano, was a panelist in the section “Let’s get inspired” of the event organized by Femmes Numérique, foundation committed to bring together actors and actresses committed to the essential inclusion of women in the digital sector.